7 Types Of Rest To Recharge Your Batteries
7 Types Of Rest To Recharge Your Batteries
Rest doesn’t always mean sleep. In fact, rest comes in different forms that target varying sources of exhaustion. Physical sleep targets physical exhaustion. But what about emotional burnout, creative fatigue, and spiritual weariness?
Know how to rejuvenate yourself the right way by knowing what is causing your burnout.
Physical Rest
Physical tiredness needs rest that benefits your physical body. Physical rest can either be active or passive. Passive rest refers to sleep, naps, chilling out on Netflix, or lounging by a pool. Active rest includes calming activities such as yoga and jogging.
Try “gratitude walking” as both forms of physical rest. You get to move but also reflect on what to be thankful for at the same time.
Mental Rest
Sometimes, the brain refuses to unwind and relax with leisurely thoughts. To rest mentally, tune out the world every two or three hours to calm the mind. Focus on doing something you like.
Why not try journaling? Writing can mentally rest you by allowing you to release your worries on paper.
Creative Rest
Experience or do something new to spark imagination, think out of the box, or manage difficult emotions. Doodling, watching a breathtaking sunset, listening to calming music, or even working on a vision board may help you express your passions and find more meaning in life.
Sensory Rest
Being glued to gadgets for both work and leisure can overload our senses at some point. Disconnect from screens and reconnect with nature. Take short walks in a park or tend to plants or a pet.
Multitasking may overload the senses as well. To lessen the stress, plan your day and focus on one task at a time.
Emotional Rest
Keep track of your moods as a daily routine. Manage your emotional wellbeing by journaling how you feel every morning and evening.
Social Rest
You absorb the moods of people who are closest to you. Friends and family can either rejuvenate or drain you.
To rest socially, you need to learn how to give yourself space. Conversely, you also have to learn how to form and focus on meaningful relationships.
Spiritual Rest
Feeling lost, helpless, trapped, defeated, or unmotivated? You may be spiritually distressed.
Find rest for your soul in spiritual practices you can do daily. Think of gratitude journaling, meditating on scripture, or a mantra. Spending time in prayer or finding peace in nature can also help.
To prevent burnout, you need to know the source of your exhaustion so you can apply the correct kind of rest you need. Hopefully, now you know!
Photo Credit: Sh_mong