6 Better Ways To Wake Up
6 Better Ways
To Wake Up
Many of us often attempt to change our morning routine to have more time for ourselves and what we need to do. But with all our good intentions, we usually slide back into our old, owlish habits of sleeping late and snoozing that alarm.
To get morning-person habits to stick, let’s seriously apply these six habits to wake up rejuvenated for a fulfilling, productive day.
Sleep Before Midnight
Although unwinding with Netflix or an exciting book relaxes us, we tend to be unmindful of the hours we spend on our entertainment.
But we need to prioritize our ZZZzzzs for our physical and mental well-being. Develop an evening routine that limits entertainment time and focuses on wind-down rituals to help us fall asleep earlier.
Use Sound to Wake Up in a Good Mood
Alarm sounds matter. Abrasive sounds like sirens and rock music would jolt you awake, but it could set your mood on edge.
Soothing sounds like chirping birds is a better option if you have gained the habit of sleeping early. You could start the day in a better mood if you wake up pleasantly.
Let Morning Light In
Darkness makes us fall asleep. Sunshine cues our brain to wake up.
Invest in translucent curtains or leave blinds partially open to let the morning light in. Avoid blackout curtains that block sunlight and make it difficult for you to wake up.
Wake Up to Morning Smells
Smells do a lot to transition us from sleep to wakefulness. Distinct smells like brewed coffee or sizzling bacon are usually associated with the morning.
If you like coffee, set your coffeemaker to time a brew. The smell of java can perk you up and set a good mood.
Stand Up, Don’t Fall Back Into Bed
Once you stand up, you are at least 10% more alert. So, put your alarm where you are forced to get up and walk to it to shut it off.
Once you’ve stood up, head for the shower. Resist the temptation to fall back into bed.
Raise the Stakes for Waking Up
Create a motivator to stick to new habits. Enroll in a no-refund gym class in the morning. Buy a jogging partner lunch if you opt-out of your daily morning run.
Putting a personal consequence for waking later rather than earlier would ensure that you stick to your new morning habits.
These six tips are simple, but they will improve your sleep quality and waking-up mood. Once you have these down, you will have time to look forward to more rejuvenating morning rituals like five-minute gratitude journaling, meditation, and daily affirmations.
Photo Credit: Tetya_po