6 Better Ways To Wake Up
6 Better Ways To Wake Up
How often have you fallen back to unhealthy sleeping habits after vowing to be a morning person?
You know that an early riser begets a productive, healthy lifestyle. Yet you cannot help but be a habitual owl.
To work around the habit, work these tips into your sleep-wake routine if you want to get up refreshed and energetic to begin your day.
Wake Up Earlier
Waking up two hours earlier shifts your rhythm to sleeping two hours earlier. Easier said than done? Not if you prioritize sleep.
Work in an evening routine that winds you down at night to allow you to sleep at least before midnight. Sleeping earlier puts your circadian rhythm right back on track as a healthier early bird.
Welcome Sunlight
Our brains are cued to wake to sunlight. So, a dark room at daybreak can prevent you from waking up readily in the morning.
Invest in blinds you can partially shut. Or get curtains that let light in. A sunrise alarm clock can also gradually brighten your room 30 minutes before it sounds out.
Sound the Alarm, Gently
You will wake up calm and energized if you are roused by soothing alarm sounds, such as bird songs or soft, gentle music.
More often than not, abrasive alarm sounds will simply jolt you awake to annoyingly push that snooze button and fall back in bed.
Smell the Morning
Use scents as a gentle waker-upper.
We associate the morning with smells such as coffee, toast, or juice. So cue your coffee maker to start brewing at a specific time daily. The lovely aroma of coffee will signal the brain to wake you up.
Get Up, Stand Up, Walk
Once you get up, stand up and walk straight to the sink or shower. Don’t fall back into bed.
Put your alarm way out of reach where you can’t just hit the snooze button. You should be forced to walk to it.
Raise Your Incentives
In starting new habits, we need to hold ourselves accountable. One great way to keep motivated is to create incentives. For instance, you could promise your running buddy a free lunch every time you bail because you could not wake up in time. Self-imposed penalties should help you stick to your healthier sleep-wake routine.
Although being a consistently early riser seems simple, it actually isn’t. But being able to sleep and wake up early is a significant part of becoming a more productive, healthier, and happier person. Do your best to let sleep-wake hygiene be a part of your self-care and self-love routine.
Photo Credit: 0304.1007