Habit Journaling: Why and How?
Habit Journaling: Why and How?
Habits, good or bad, determine how you live life. They also define who you are.
Journaling is a healthy habit to cultivate. Tracking your personal development routinely gets you on the right path and breaks bad habits. Let’s see how writing in a journal ties to forming good habits.
One Good Habit at a Time
Good small habits get you far. Creating and building on them generate your momentum toward a goal.
If you’re angling to be a well-paid writer, you start habits that you know will get you there. One is developing a commitment to get up at 5 a.m. to get a fresher mind for writing. When you have this waking routine down, add another habit, and then another. This way, you get the ball rolling toward your goal.
Journaling Makes Good Habits Stick
Journaling, a habit in itself, is one of the best ways to systematize your development of good routines. Keeping track of habits helps you to be more self-aware. It also gives you a sense of accountability.
Start analyzing what you actually do within the day and week. Write down what you do at certain times. The more specific you are, the better view you will get of what you do during the day. If you are honest about what you write, you will discover many eye-openers. You may realize the need to replace old habits or how your moods affect your choice of action.
In your journal, write down your deepest why. What is your purpose for achieving your goal? Keep track of the motives behind what you do.
Never forget to make space every day for counting your blessings. Write down what you are grateful for, no matter how small. This will give you the necessary perspective and patience to work towards the life you want.
Making Journaling a Habit
Journaling, like all good habits, need to stick. To do so, make it enjoyable. Shop for the prettiest journal. Or aim to personalize it by being creative.
Write letters to yourself, draw graphs, doodle, tape photos, write prose---whatever makes you happy. Tie journaling to a morning or evening routine or to a habitual activity, such as journaling during coffee breaks.
Achieving your goals is about playing the long game. And it is about acquiring good habits to build purpose. Journaling helps you build on your arsenal of positive habits by allowing you to see the bigger picture and steer you on the right track.
“Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.” – Jen Williamson
Photo Credit: Mariglaskaya