Productivity and Mental Health

Productivity and Mental Health

Mental health allows you to be your best productive self. To roll with adversity and life changes, we need to feel in charge of ourselves. We must develop an inner sense of control.

Internal vs. External Control 


People who believe external events sway their fates usually exhibit low self-esteem. They are less motivated and productive and tend to be apathetic. 


Those with internal control believe that persistence, effort, and the right attitudes are factors for success in life. People with this growth mindset have control over their paths and the continuing motivation to face challenges.

Organizing Your Life to Gain Control


You must have a clear, detailed plan of action to gain a sense of being in charge of yourself. Organize your life to empower yourself with internal control and robust mental health. These are the best ways to approach this.

List What To-Do and Not-To-Do


The most basic organizing technique is to create a clear to-do list. Write everything you need to do, from long-term to short-term tasks. For the long-term, you may want to broaden your horizons with travel. But today, you may need to wash your two-week pile of laundry. 


In another sheet, list what you shouldn’t or don’t want to do. This will allow you to see what you don’t like or need in your life anymore. 


Step back and compare both lists. Are there overlaps? If so, these may be your areas of growth opportunities. 

Use a Journal to Organize Your Life


To plan your life’s direction, you need to set up your goals, sort your priorities, and plan how to live your life according to your values. 


A life journal can help you reach self-realization. It enables you to categorize goals, choose what to focus on, and help you flesh out your life plan.


Many people like to get more specific. Productivity, yearly, and quarterly planners can help you break down your to-dos in small, actionable steps. These allow you to track your progress and create a good work-life balance. 


Build Good Habits


Healthy habits make you physically and mentally fit. Building wholesome routines allows you to focus on essential things while supporting daily actions. 


For example, a habit of exercising every morning creates mental agility that helps you face problems.  


Start small when creating and building a good habit. Use a journal with a habit tracker to help you. 

Organizing your life gives you personal inner control which in turn increases your productive capacity. Healthy habits, clarity on what actions to take, and good planning allow you to feel stable and empowered to live your way.  

Photo Credit: @Aendthesea
