Stop Being Productive All The Time
Many of us are addicted to busy. We equate being busy with being productive. But constantly working and neglecting relaxation isn’t always the best idea. In fact, such an attitude lowers our productivity by a good margin.
Here’s how you can change your outlook on productivity and achieve some work-life balance.
Know the Difference between Being “Busy” and Being “Productive”
Being busy and being productive are two different things. Only when you’re doing what you truly need to do to reach your goals, you are being productive.
Stop thinking that productivity equals getting more things done in less time. Instead, think of it as getting meaningful things done constantly.
By this we mean you need to step back and ask, “Which of these activities are right for me?” Rather than trying to tick off as many tasks as you can in a day, identify meaningful tasks to reach your goals.
Knowing this difference can help you cut out unnecessary productivity guilt.
Cultivate a Personal Growth Mindset
Don’t let a list of to-dos define you. If you can’t manage to tick off 10 things for the day, don’t label yourself as inefficient. Relating your personal character to the number of tasks you can complete is neither helpful nor healthy.
Instead, focus on your growth. Ask the questions, “What is my purpose?” “What do I want to achieve?” “Is what I’m doing now aligned with my goals?” “Is what I’ve chosen to do making me learn and grow?”
By focusing on your personal growth, you’ll see your value system change. What used to be important, like checking off all items from a to-do list, may now take a back seat. You’ll be prioritizing things that lean more between balancing self-care and achieving your goals.
Use Tools to Help Boost Productivity
A productivity planner can be a powerful tool for improving our behavior and mindset. It guides you on what and how to prioritize things so you can focus and do the important work. It can help you get unstuck from meaningless activities.
Journaling apps can help you track your moods. They give you inspirational reminders and curate gratitude notes and daily reflections.
Rethink productivity as a balance between work and “me” time. Redefine success as being able to achieve your goal as well as take care of yourself. That, in today’s world, is true productivity.
Photo Credit: Lauralabee