8 Steps To Lower Your Stress In 5 Minutes
8 Steps To Lower Your Stress In 5 Minutes
The number of people dealing with depression and anxiety has risen over the last decade.
As you deal with a lot more stressors today, it is important to learn how to develop personal resilience. Here are techniques that can help reset your mood in as quickly as five minutes.
Accept That You’re Stressed
Becoming aware of your stress and its causes can drive you to focus on your mental well-being. Drop everything and help yourself calm down first. Take a walk, journal, relax with a coffee, or chat with a friend.
Do Breathing Exercises
Master breathing exercises such as slowing your breathing pace to six breaths a minute. This helps you to slow down, focus inwardly, and be present in the moment.
Cool Your Body
Get ahold of your emotions by cooling down with a cold shower or splashing cold water on your face. The sudden drop in temperature fools the body into slowing your heart rate, allowing your brain to absorb more blood. This helps you think and respond better.
Smiling prods the brain to produce endorphins. These lower your heart rate and consequently, your anxiety level. Just try smiling even if you don’t feel like it.
Anchor Yourself in the Present
This may seem odd but worth doing. Stop moving. Peg your heels to the floor to ground yourself in the moment.
Examine your responses to these questions: Are you stuck in the past? Worrying about the future? Are your behavioral patterns helpful? What are your thoughts and feelings now?
Your insights may help you manage your stress better.
Play Music
Nature’s sounds, uplifting melodies, or meditation music can calm nerves and tamp down stress. Build a playlist of soothing sounds to listen to when you crave some composure.
Declutter Your Mind
Let go of piled-up negative thoughts. Express them by writing your anxieties down.
Journaling may help you work through your worries and disappointments. When you write down your anxieties, you may gain a new perspective and more optimism.
Have Fun with Passwords
You probably have to type in a password at least once a day. So create one that reminds you to focus on the positive. To remind yourself to be grateful for instance, choose something like thankU4bl3ssings.
Although you need to deal with the underlying causes of your stress, these eight quick fixes can help you reset your anxiety level in a matter of minutes. Start applying them to help you power through your day.
Photo Credit: ValentinaBarabuffi