5 Tips to Start Working Out Regularly
5 Tips to Start Working Out Regularly
In our busy lives, it’s easy to reschedule our workouts for “another day”, prioritize other things and have many days when you just don’t feel like doing it. How do we actually overcome these and start having a regular workout routine?
1. Define your why
Look beyond weight loss. Working out isn’t always about that. Know your “why”. Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to climb stairs without being out of breath?
Consider the different activities that fall under fitness that you’ll actually enjoy, whether it’s badminton, swimming, a dance or a yoga class.
2. Adopt a growth mindset
Focus on being better than yesterday. Cultivate grit. Consider going for workouts where you can see progress and have something to work towards. When you go for a dance class for the first time, you will not be able to perform at first. But with each successive class you will work towards something and get noticeably better each time. This is incredibly motivating.
Once you see the progress you’re making, you will get hooked!
3. Remember the feeling
Remember how you’re feeling after the workout: a rush of energy and motivation, less stress, and a clearer head. All of this serves as a motivation to come back the next day, then the following day.
Remind yourself of how amazing you'll feel if you workout. You'll be more likely to stick to your workout routine if you start to equate being active with fun and feeling great as a result.
4. Set smaller goals
Try finishing a 10-minute HIIT workout today. And then go longer with 15 minutes next week. More reps, more distance. Build it up instead of getting discouraged at not achieving big goals at once.
5. Have a clear destination
Remember the importance of a vision that you can work towards. Having one will help you keep focus on the progress you’re making as well as motivate you. The vision will be a benchmark for your achievements.
Photo Credit @AlenaEsipova